jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Our country will be located on the Mexico's Gulf. To avoid any problems with the goverment, and keep a peaceful relation, we will stay outside the country's sea limit.

The cities

The lilypad floating cities of Dubai wil be the model used to build our new country, their technology and design will allow us to create our mega-city in the middle of the Mexico's Gulf. We will raise our city with a combination of floating citys like in Dubai and the structure used in great dept Oil platforms.



All of our cities will be self sustainable in matters of energy, using whatever natural resources we can get. We will get power from the wind, solar panels, the sea, etc. Another important source will be oil, as our country will be located on a region where a lot of it can be found. This means it will also take an important part of our economy, but we will not be exporting oil itself but fuel.