lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


Marriage is allowed but the only conditions for it is that necessarily the two have to sign a
paper in which they accept two conditions:
Marrying in separated goods.
Accept divorce when one of them asks for it.
If they are parents the mother will have priority in the parental rights but the final resolution will be dictated after determining which of two is more capable of having total parental rights.
Adoption is allowed to any couple (except homosexuals) but there two conditions that are:
Proof they have enough economical resources.
They are good people that will give love and take care properly of the children.


State has the obligation to pay preschool, elementary, middle, high school and professional
education to anyone.
Preschool 3 years
Elementary 6 years and will focus is giving general knowledge and values.
Middle 3 years and will consist in detecting talents and interests of students through multiple exams.
High School 3 years in which students will develop their talents, receive theorical knowledge and have vocational classes related to what they want to study.
Professional 3 years and will focus in preparing students for their jobs receiving practical assessment.
People who will provide education have to pass through tests and show they have the
knowledge but most important of all they have the capacity of treating and teaching students.


Considering our country has maritime borders with Mexico and United States the pass would be
allowed presenting a visa (previously arranged with embassy), but our country is small so we
cannot allow people from other countries stay so if someone is trapped trying to enter the
country illegally he/she will be deported to his/her country of origin.
Work permits will only be given in the cases the State considers that the person asking the
permission demonstrates he/she is better than one from our country and offer an important
benefit to our country and society


All religions are allowed except those that involve damage to another human being because
you have the right to believe in what you want but not to break other´s rights so that would be
considered as violence or homicide.
State and religion are separated and they cannot have any type of relationship.
State will respect any religious center (church, temple, mosque, etc) or procedures but if any
religion starts to interfere with the state policies in any way or to provoke public disorder, that
will be considered as a crime


Death penalty is permitted in case of murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, terrorism, human
and drug trafficking, serious corruption, and provoke public disorder.
The guilty will suffer capital punishment after investigations that proof clearly he/she
committed the crime, the suspect will be in jail while the investigation is done.
Methods for execution are lethal injection, electric chair and gas chamber.
Abortion is permitted but the only condition is that it has to be during the first 3
months of pregnancy.
After this time the only two conditions in which abortion is allowed are: for protecting
woman´s life and if the fetus has any defect.


Our industry will be based on technology, becoming one of the leaders on the creation and implementation of new technology. Economy will be based on exportations of this new technology to other countries. Science and research will receive great investments in order to develop new technology.

more about us

There will be no censorship when it comes to publishing information, opinions and all types of expression. There will be freedom of speech, as well as freedom of association. However, films that are considered not appropriated for children and population under 18 years will be censored for them, this means only adults will be allowed to watch this type of films.

about us

Our country’s political system will be a democracy. The president will be chosen through free and fair elections, and will govern the country for five years. When this period of time ends, a new president will be chosen through the same way. This new country’s official language is Spanish.


This country was created after 300,000 Mexican citizens decided to separate from the Mexican Republic and create their own country, a new country that would be perfect for them.